
What is the Nonprofit Common Data Model?

The Nonprofit Common Data Model (CDM) is a data structure created to help organizations eliminate data silos, enabling powerful insights into their data. The core data model has been developed based on entities and attributes that nonprofits commonly use for constituent management, fundraising, awards, program delivery, and impact tracking. These entities include, donor commitments, designations, transactions, awards, disbursements, delivery frameworks, results, indicators, benefit recipients, and more.

Where can I find the Nonprofit CDM?

You can access the Nonprofit CDM directly from its Github repository.

How about a nice overview of all the tables and columns?

Documentation of all entities can be found online as well.

How can I collaborate with the community of users, developers, and implementers?

Join the Nonprofit CDM online community today (free), and get access to a growing network, discussions, and more!